about us!!!

founded in 1965, the american association of healthcare providers is n organization that consists of healthcare workerz from all areas. u dont have 2 be an executive 2 achieve success in r organization! we are dedicated 2 keeping americas healthcare system great, and making it even greatr than it has been before, thru the best system we know. the free market! we believe that the onez who work in the medical field know whatz best for the medical field, not politicians or uneduc8ted laymen. thatz why its important for u 2 support us, thru donations n staying informed on r policies! if u work in the medical field, plz consider getting involved! ok baiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!

our most recent meeting

our staff

shadow bloodpaw, a.k.a. Doctor M.D., r chairman

dr M.D. has been loyaly serving the aahp since 2013, after the passing of our previous chairman. be4 being our chairman, m.d. worked with his partner, dr wils0n, at multiple hospitals including the princeton-plainsboro teaching hospital + the medical ward @ the east new jersey corectional facility, as well as many more. he haz also made advancements in many medical treatments, inclooding vicodin & mousebites. after his time working in the medical field, he waz elected r chairman and haz worked with the government to keep the aff4dible healthcare act in the citizenz best intrest, n worked with president d0nald trump 2 keep americas healthcare great!

darktalon thunderhawk, a.k.a. mr. tf2, r executive secretary

mr. tf2, formerly dr. tf2, haz been working in the medical field since the 1940s, as a war medic! he haz made breakthroughs in the fieldz of life extension n paramedix! despite the revoking of hiz medical license, he stil findz ways to contribute to the medical field! he started from humbl beginingz in a german village, and worked hiz way to the top thru his career in the german government! since hiz appointement as executive secretary in 1982, altho we wanted 2 put him in a higher position (hiz lack of medical license prevented that), he haz continued to work for further advancementz in healthcare n to protect our patientz right to good healthcare!